Contra-Indications to a Sunekos treatment-
Skin diseases or disorders, in the area to be treated: Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis
Chronic medical condition: heart disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis
Auto immune diseases i.e. Lupus, Crohn’s, colitis: where the body attack its own tissues and organs
Any Viral infection: Cold sores (if active) or viral infection like a cold.
Any Fungal infections: Ringworm
Any Bacterial infections: Impetigo, Conjunctivitis
Active Acne
Roaccutane used in the last 12 months
Recent scar tissue (6 months)
Other aesthetic treatments- wait 2 weeks after
Anti coagulants
Hypersensitive skin
Pregnancy/breast feeding
COVID immunisation in the last 2 weeks, or due to have within 2 weeks of having Sunekos
This list is not exhaustive and if in doubt do not perform a treatment until you have checked with a medical professional for approval that the treatment can go ahead.
The client can be given a consent form to get completed by their doctor.
Here is an example of what could be on the form-
GP Consent to Treatment Form
Dear Doctor,
I write in regards to – (Name of client) …………………….……………………………………….
DOB ……/ ……. / …………..
I have been asked by the above client to perform ………………………………………………… treatment on
him/her in my clinic on …… / …… / …………
Clinic address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Please confirm that you are happy for the treatment to go ahead by signing below.
GP name (print) …………………………………………………
GP signature …………………………………………………….. Date …… / …… / ………….
Information about the treatment:
List any products or ingredients used in the above treatment in the space provided below. This
information will assist the doctor in making an informed decision regarding the above client’s
suitability for treatment