The Chin

The Chin:

For ideal facial proportions, the face is generally divided into equal vertical thirds (upper, middle, lower) and horizontal fifths. The ideally proportioned chin width is said to occupy the central horizontal fifth of the face..

 A one third to two thirds ratio should exist for the distance between the nasal and superior upper lip border to the inferior lower lip border to the pogonion.

When contouring the chin, start with a focused assessment of chin length, anterior projection and the depth of the pre-jowl sulcus region.

Ricketts’ Esthetic Plane connects the tip of the nose to the pogonion of the chin and states that the upper lip is an average distance of 4mm to this line and the lower lip is an average distance of 2mm.

Use Ricketts’ Esthetic Plane as an assessment guide to the overall relationship between the tip of the nose, the lips and pogonion of the chin for lower third facial harmony.

The rule of facial thirds can be applied to determine if the chin requires elongation. However, as a general principle, ageing causes mandibular resorption and is associated with hyperactivity of the mentalis. These factors all contribute to a shortened chin and a less projected lower facial third.


The rule of facial thirds can be applied to determine if the chin requires elongation. However, as a general principle, ageing causes mandibular resorption and is associated with hyperactivity of the mentalis. These factors all contribute to a shortened chin and a less projected lower facial third.


Technique – for theoretical reference only. Injection techniques are best observed during your practical training.

  1. Assess the contour deformity in the pre-jowl sulcus, the mental crease, and the mentalis muscle


  1. Palpate and mark the pogonion of the chin
  2. Improve the projection and length of the chin with deep dermal fillers via sharp needle using a high G prime product in the deep periosteal plane
  3. For cannula treatment, choose an entry point that allows access to the pre-jowl sulcus
  4. Aspirate to check for intravascular cannulation

6a Slow retrograde threads, in a spread fanning technique (0.1ml per thread) to a total of 0.5-1ml per side.

6b Bolus injection to the bone up to (1ml in the first sitting, however depending the client they may need more, we allow two weeks to allow the filler to settle)

  1. Gentle palpation helps to smooth & mould the treated area



Cannula injection points;


  1. A)Cannula entry point leaving linear threads (these injection points fill the indentation from the lip to the chin)


  1. B)Cannula entry point leaving linear threads (these fill the contour of the chin)


  1. C)This line is where to STOP when depositing filler



Potential difficulties The inferior alveolar artery and nerve exiting from the mental foramen are the main dangers in this area. The mental foramen is commonly located between the first and second premolar teeth and should be protected from direct injections.

Goal: To shape and contour the chin

Depth: Subdermal and periosteal

Volume: 1-2ml total

Technique: Cannula for subdermal and needle for periosteal

Products of Choice: Restylane Volyme or Revolax Deep