The BAP Technique

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The BAP technique (bio aesthetic points)

The bap technique (bio aesthetics points) examined and developed by ISBA is based on 5 injection sites, especially selected to minimize the risks while maximizing the diffusion of the product in the malar and sub – malar areas.

Profhilo is particularly indicated for the treatment of skin laxity in the amlar and sub- malar areas. It is injected in the deep skin layer.

The stabilized hybrid complexes permit re-stabilization of the physiological levels of the endogenic hyaluronic acid and improvement of skin turgor.

To maximise the diffusion in the Malnar and sub-malar areas:

  • The BAP was specifically chosen anatomically respective areas.
  • The dilution phenomenon of the product itself.
  • 5 injections per side
  • Reduced pain (slow injection)
  • Lower possibility of bruising or hematoma.
  • Reduced number of treatment sessions.
  • Greater patient compliance.



