My Filler Serums

There is a variety of meso-cocktails on the market but Enhance Me have had great results from the My Filler Revitalise serum.

There are 7 award winning serums that can be used individually or combined depending on the clients needs.

  1. Pure- perfect for repairing skin damage and increasing hydration. Think of Pure as a base that can be combined with most other My Filler serums.
  2. Vitamins- contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and coenzymes that improve and revitalize the state of the skin with an immediate result of healthier skin. Even better when combined with the Pure serum.
  3. Hair- Using a unique combination of ingredients the cells within the hair structure can be stimulated to encourage thicker, stronger hair growth anywhere on the body.
  4. Slim is composed of an insulin-like growth factor, phosphatidylcholine, sodium deoxycholate, carnitine and trace elements. These ingredients have a lipotic action on the fat cells causing them to breakdown.
  5. Body is composed of hyaluronic acid, organic compounds, DMAE and Dexpanpentol, which will reaffirm and restore the collagen fibres that support the skin, shaping them again, removing the skin sagging effect and flaccidity. This can be used in a slimming treatment once the fat has been removed to help tighten the skin.
  6. White skin- Using Kojic acid, retinol and vitamin C this serum can target hyperpigmentation and ageing of the skin at the same.
  7. Booster- This serum is added to other serums to increase improvements in the skin and hair. It contains epidermal growth factor, similar to that found in the body. This can be an alternate to a vampire facial.

To learn more about each serum open this PowerPoint- MyFiller serum training

Open this document for details on protocols My filler Protocols

The serum uses are simplified on this list My filler table 

In your kit you will receive one vial of each serum, in the intro kit Intro-Set-brochure (1) but more can be purchased through the enhance me store or while you are at the academy.

Prices are subject to change but a box of 5 vials, of the standard boosters, costs £60. The booster comes in a box of 4 at £82.