It is important to take an appropriate history from the clients before performing any treatment. By doing this, the practitioner will gain important clues to the client’s hydration state.
It is important to look for factors which pay affect insensible fluid loss. For example, a client is much more likely to suffer with fluid depletion if they are pyrexial, been exposed to high temperatures (eg holidays to hot countries or sunbeds) or have been exercising vigorously.
Its important to ask if the client is feeling nauseous or doesn’t feel like drinking – often occurs in elderly people. Thirst is another symptom of fluid depletion. Another is fluid retention, does the client suffer with dyspnoea due to pulmonary oedema or peripheral oedema. Has the client been vomiting, or do they have loose stools?
During history taking, it is also important to look out for fluid retainers, these include adults with heart failures, renal failures, nephrotic syndrome, chronic liver disease and other hypalbuminaemia states.