As with any procedure, IVMT comes with its risks and reactions. Firstly, an allergic reaction. Although most clients do not suffer with this, these are the signs to look out for:
In more severe cases, a client may suffer with an anaphylactic shock. These are the signs to look out for:
If a client suffers with any of these symptoms or, you suspect an anaphylaxis shock, dial 999 immediately.
After IV placement, check for signs and symptoms of Infiltration (leakage of fluids/meds into surrounding tissue)
If you suspect infiltration:
Stop infusion and remove IV catheter.
Check radial pulse, good capillary refill and sensation (document findings in pt chart)
Apply a warm compress to area if sensation, vascular intact then find a new and different IV site and continue with treatment.
Call 999 immediately!
Stop IV infusion
Place patient in Trendelenburg position but on the left side (head down, feet up).
If oxygen is available, administer high percentage oxygen for both venous and arterial air embolism to counteract ischemia and accelerate bubble size reduction.
Ensure patient does not have history of congestive heart failure and/or renal disease, which would increase risk of fluid overload.
Overload symptoms:
If anyone experiences these symptoms STOP the IV flow and monitor vital signs.
If patient is having trouble breathing, call 999.