

Every technician preforming ANY beauty treatment, requires an insurance policy to operate and carry out treatments on clients, this is important as it not only protects you and your business it also protects your clients. This needs to be in place once you have completed any training.

There are a number of insurance companies that offer policies for the beauty industry, companies such as Insync / Salon Safe, ABT, Towergate, Beauty Guild and many more, we would advise you do your research before you commit to a preferred insurance company.

If after your training, you do not follow training guidelines or decide to carry out treatments outside guidelines or purchase products for treatments from other suppliers, we need to make you aware that in the event of a claim against you, your insurance company may either cancel your insurance or refuse to pay your claim.

It is your responsibility that every treatment follows our training guidelines and any products used during the treatment must be compliant with the MHRA, along with the EU Cosmetic directives