The Health and Safety at Work Act covers all health and safety legislation. Put simply it sets the basic rules that must be followed. It applies to everyone, employers, employees and the self-employed. Under this Act it states it is the responsibility of everyone to work in a safe and healthy manner.
Every employee, while at work, has to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of others (clients and other staff members) who may be affected by the employees’ actions or lack of actions. You need to know the person to report a risk or hazard to.
Every employee must co-operate with their employer, with regards to health and safety legislation, to enable the employer to implement and maintain health and safety policies within the salon (this is a legal requirement).
There is a number of special regulations that come under Health and Safety at work Act and it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure they are up to date with current regulations.
When checking up to date health and safety information make sure you go onto a reputable website. For the UK the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is the most reliable HSE: Information about health and safety at work
There is more information available in the e-manual available on this platform