Effects of High-Frequency Copy

The effects of direct high frequency

  • Production of heat – the rapidly oscillating current produces rapid motion of molecules in the tissues; this generates heat. The heating is greatest in the superficial tissues under the electrode
  • Increased metabolic rate – this creates a greater demand for oxygen and nutrients and therefore also an increase in waste output; this will speed up healing and improves the condition of the skin
  • Vasodilation – heat causes increase flow of blood to the area as the capillaries in the skin dilate
  • Soothing effect on the nerves – mild heating has a soothing effect on sensory nerve endings, producing a feeling of relaxation
  • Increased activity of sebaceous glands – this helps the release of blockages caused by build-up of sebum. For a short period of time, it will increase lubrication to dry skins.
  • Germicidal effect – when used for a longer period of time and used lightly over the skins’ surface more ozone is produced which destroys bacteria and promotes healing

Unique selling point (USP) for High-frequency  

Direct high-frequency is a great way to add value to your scalp treatments as a combination package. It also provides you with another way to help your clients if they are not able to have microneedling due to contra-indications and does not want a treatment that involves needles.