Assignment brief

Download the worksheet below by clicking on the title ‘careers’ to use for your assignment.


Outcome 10: Be able to have knowledge of further career pathways

Give a definition of each of these options including qualifications (and levels) that may be needed, settings that you can work in (hotels, at home, mobile, abroad, cruise ships, hospitals/hospice, beauty salons, spas, clinics), types of treatments that may be involved. Think about different types of clients to include the topic of equality and diversity  –

  • Advanced beauty therapy
  • Body massage
  • Reflexology
  • Aromatherapy
  • Spa therapy
  • Trichology
  • Dermatology
  • Quality management (what is this and what is being quality managed).

Each description does not need to be too detailed just give a basic overview. Remember not to copy and paste from the internet and to use reliable resources.

It is good practice to include a bibliography, at the end of your assignment, to state which resources you used during the research for your assignment. It might be helpful to think of this as an information sheet for advertising careers.

Please submit this assignment to along with your full name and assignment title.